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My Works

Light Matters (Aperture, 2005)

Light Matters (Aperture, 2005)

A selection of my essays from The New York Times, American Photo, Vanity Fair, and elsewhere.

Light Matters (Aperture, 2005)

Photography in Print

An anthology I edited: 19th and 20th century articles about photography. Named by the Wall Street Journal in 2006 as one of the five most important books ever written on photography.

Bruce Davidson (Magnum Legacy, Prestel, 2016)

The biography of a major photographer, particularly well known for photographs of the civil rights movement in the 1960s and up-close images of life in Harlem.

The White House: The President's Home in Photographs and History (Little Brown, 2011)

 250 photographs from the 1840s to 2010 of the White House, the presidents, their wives, children, staffs, guests, pets,kitchens, bathrooms, etc., plus relations with the media and involvement with technology.

The White House: The President's Home in Photographs and History (Little Brown, 2011)